Hey there. If you're reading this it means you've not only made it to Shirtseek, but you might even be vaguely interested as to why it exists in the first place. Whoa. Well, first things first, my friend.
My name's Paul Grzymkowski. You may have seen me around the web before, but I wouldn't fault you if you haven't. I'm just a guy who dreamed of a site where you could find all the best, most unique and interesting t-shirts from across the internet. Not just a soulless list of links, but a community where you could browse and search for shirts, discuss and rate them, suggest new ones, buy your soon-to-be favorites, and more.
Well, that site didn't exist, as far I could tell, so I created it myself. Welcome to Shirtseek.

The idea was a simple one: a database tailor-made just for t-shirts. With it I could add whatever great shirts I encountered on the web, and tag them based on content and other attributes as I saw fit. A little bit of hand-stitched HTML later and the data was searchable by whatever lucky souls might wander in. Folks like you.
Many moons later, and you can now rate the shirts you like (or hate, for that matter) or discuss why some shirts are so awesome (or awful). You can compare shirts to find ones that are similar. And if you find a shirt you like enough to buy, we'll show you where to get them. In some cases, we'll even get a commission for the sale. With a good enough database, so many wonderful things become possible. See our detailed list of features over here.
 If you build it, as they say...

It's as simple as that, right? Well, not entirely. In order for Shirtseek to remain current - freshly stocked with the latest in "shirt-y" goodness - it relies on the support of people like you. There's only so much we can do on our own, after all. We need "seekers" to tell us what's new, or what's not-so-new that we don't have yet, by making submissions. If you create a profile, we'll even track the shirts you added. There's even some money in it for those who choose to contribute. Yes, you heard that right. Find out more about all that here.

Though it may not be the first site of its kind, we certainly want Shirtseek to be the best. If you think we're getting close to that goal, or we're still a ways away, be sure to let us know - it's the only way we'll get there.
So there you have it. That's Shirtseek in a nutshell. If you're still with me and you want to know even more, check out the links on the right. Or catch the latest happenings by following us on twitter or heading over to the news section. Otherwise, why not try a search or two?
See you around,

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